Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Radio Days

May 30, 2022


On Saturday, I was listening to NPR while I was running errands, and got out of the car before a mildly interesting story was finished. I forgot about it before I’d even made it into the store. Today (the following Monday), when I turned on the radio, they were at the EXACT point they were at when I shut it off on Saturday. I was amazed; and I got to hear the end of the story.


I then realized that it was also Bible Study time; so, I flipped to that station to see if the guy was finally going to get to the point where Ruth proposes to Boaz. (Ruth is a short book, but he’s been on it for 2 weeks; and when we left Friday, we were about to get there.) The pastor of one church I attended implied that they had done the deed, but other interpretations I’ve read said they didn’t, so I wanted to see what this guy said. And sure enough, if I hadn’t turned to the station at JUST THAT MOMENT, I’d have missed it.


(For the record, the notion of deed-doing was given short shrift in his recounting; he mentioned that some people interpreted the passage that way, but he refuted that with various and sundry arguments.)


And that concludes my Fortunate Radio Timing stories.



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