Thursday, July 7, 2022

Dems, Act Like You WANT to Get Elected

 July 7, 2022

Dear Democratic Contenders:

It's great that you're running for U.S. Senate, but why doesn't anybody know about it?

I've gotten flyers from all kinds of Republican candidates. Where are yours?

Where are the ones that say, "X consistently voted against keeping our children safe in schools." (Can be used on the flyers on a number of candidates.)

"X consistently voted against funding road repairs, leaving Missouri roads and bridges in dangerous condition." (Can be used on the flyers about a number of candidates.)

"Y wasted millions of taxpayer dollars suing China for spreading the coronavirus." (Eric Schmitt, in case you haven't been paying attention.)

"Y fought hard to ensure that our children would be exposed to that same virus in schools." (Eric Schmitt and others.)

"Z has a public record of physically abusing women and children."

"W and Y cost the state millions in Federal money by voting against expanding Medicare. Not only did it cost the state money, it made it harder for your children to get medical care." (Yes, you're going to have to suck it up and send the flyers to the less well-heeled. They vote, and they need your help.)

You don't have to make up lies, or dig up personal scandals. This is all in the public record. Just make it visible, give it some oomph, and send it out. Long columns in the newspaper, read by like-minded individuals, aren't going to cut it. If you REALLY care about people, reach out to them. Let them know they have a fighting chance if they elect you.

PS: Your campaign websites have buttons to allow people to donate, but not buttons where they can express their concerns. How much do you REALLY care about improving their lives?

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