Thursday, June 20, 2024

Virtual History


June 17, 2024


There’s another fight in a St. Louis-area city regarding the preservation of some historic buildings—buildings which have been vacant for years, and are in bad shape because nobody wants to deal with them. In this case, the city wants to allow renovation, not teardown, but there is still contention.


I’m as fond of history as the next person who isn’t an actual historian, but at some point, you need to say, “Enough.” With all the scientific resources available these days, isn’t it possible to make a holographic replica of a place and its furnishings without needing to keep a dilapidated building standing around with no purpose?


It won’t be homey, and it won’t have that nice, old-home smell (remember how old-timey libraries always smelled like libraries?); but it could preserve the history without being a nuisance. I’m not sure where exactly you’d exhibit it, but at least it would be available for people who actually wanted to know what the place was like.


And when it comes to saving our past, it’s better to start virtual preservation early, before a tornado, a fire, or an errant vehicle takes a place out permanently.



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