Thursday, June 6, 2024

What Does Global Warming Look Like in Daily Life?


June 2, 2024


I read an article about how some people feel that today’s movies aren’t dealing with climate change, and how they’re not depicting the world as it is. I was wondering what that would mean for the movies. Assuming that global warming wasn’t the focus of the movie, would it be a side note or a plot point?


Would they throw in a line about how more coral are dying in hotter oceans during an action picture? Would they depict a hellacious hailstorm during a romantic comedy? Would a movie feature people watering their grass more often to contend with the hotter summers, or, even better, have a scene where they change from grass to more water-effective yards? Or have a shot of a house with xeriscape landscaping already in place? Maybe have an asthmatic kid unable to go outdoors because of the smoke from wildfires, which are becoming more frequent and burning hotter?


What does global warming actually look like in the average neighborhood? How would you portray it in an average movie?



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