Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Odd Priorities


September 18, 2024


Donald Trump has threatened to jail people who disagreed with him or made fun of him,

But after two assassination attempts, he still hasn’t said a word about tightening restrictions on guns.



Thursday, September 12, 2024

Senior Moments


September 12, 2024


On Page A2 of today’s Post-Dispatch, we learn that the governor cut $2.5 million for a program that investigates complaints of abuse and neglect in nursing homes; that a state representative called for a vote to override the cuts, and that the vote failed to do so.


On Page A4, we learn that a Missouri nursing home is facing a wrongful death lawsuit because of neglect and improper care. (Details provided.)


Apparently, some members of the legislature don’t anticipate being in care homes in their senior years. Good luck with that.



Sunday, September 8, 2024

I Should Have Finished It Yesterday


September 8, 2024


About an hour ago, I finished reading a mystery set in a tea room. It described high tea and afternoon tea (and the difference), and, even though I don’t drink tea, the food sounded so good that I decided to check out tea rooms in the area.


There’s a list of them on the web, so I clicked on the website of the most highly rated, which had pretty much what I was hoping for (the others didn’t), anticipating a luscious mid-week treat in a few days, if I could get a reservation.


And the website said, “After 17 wonderful years, we will be closing as of September 8, 2024.”


That’s today. And it was too late to rush in for a last-minute meal, even if I’d had a reservation.



I guess you could call that One for the Books.