Sunday, September 8, 2024

Once Again Going Solo Gets an Honorable Mention


September 8, 2024


In August of 2015 I wrote about how surprised I was that going out to eat solo was apparently on the rise, and that the fact rated a segment on The Today Show. I was amazed to read that there was a stigma associated with dining out alone; and I was even more stunned to find out how many people wouldn’t do it. It just seemed like common sense—if you want to go out to eat, go out to eat. If I ever got less than stellar service as a solo diner, I never noticed, but that may have been because I’m pretty oblivious at the best of times. Who has time to notice a snub at a restaurant when there’s a good book to read?


Today I read an article that said some restaurants are actually taking steps to make solo diners feel welcome and comfortable. Apparently, they’re realizing that solo people are paying customers, too. And solo dining is still on the rise, so it behooves them to adapt their business models accordingly. It seems like a long time coming, but at least they’re coming around.


Well, hallelujah!



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