Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nothing to See Here


September 8, 2024


I read an intriguing article this morning in the Post-Dispatch about grants that have been awarded to north St. Louis businesses and nonprofits.


It seems that the St. Louis Development Corporation isn’t releasing the records that explain what some of the largest recipients are going to use the money for. City officials do say that 300 of the approximately 700 entities that applied were given grants, and that they used a scoring rubric. So, what’s with the sour grapes?


The  issue seems to be that around 1.3 million grapes were distributed to 3 organizations connected with one alderwoman, who sits on the board of the SLDC. She also sponsored the legislation that let organizations which would not have been previously eligible (including the ones with ties to her family) apply for the grants. So, finding out what the grapes—er, money—will be used for might set some minds at rest.


Nah, says the board. Trust us. Nothin’ to see here.


They’re right. That’s what we’re worried about.



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