Monday, November 30, 2020

If We Believed in Ourselves Like We Believe in Each Other

November 20, 2020


Sometimes we look at other people and say, “You’re so good at [whatever]. Why don’t you capitalize on that?” But we don’t look at ourselves and say the same thing.

I think the reason that most people don’t is that it’s easier to believe in other people than it is in ourselves. And it’s a shame.

We just need somebody to help us, step by step. If we just set up groups for ourselves, of people who believed in us, we could do wonders. Most projects are daunting because they have so many steps. If we had somebody to say, “Have you finished Step 1? Good. Now we’ll work on Step 2,” we could probably move mountains.

Maybe there is a program somewhere called “Self-Doubters Anonymous.” If there isn’t, there should be.



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