Sunday, November 29, 2020

We Could Have Been Great


November 20, 2020


I feel sad when I see the opportunity America wasted during the pandemic.

This was when we could have shone. We could have pulled together and displayed that “Can Do” spirit that everyone associates with two world wars and the Depression. People in other countries could have thought that we were still a force to be reckoned with, a country that overcame obstacles and worked together for the common good; leaders in searching for a worldwide solution. Undefeatable.

Instead we fought against wearing masks, and made ourselves looked like a nation of whiners; too spoiled to wear a mask while we went out shopping or partying, too faithless to realize that God can still reach us, even if we’re watching a service online instead of at our place of worship. 

I’m sure that people worldwide are thinking that we’re weaklings who can’t lead in anything; who couldn’t fight off an attack if we wanted to, because we’re too busy arguing about our “rights” to work together to repel invaders. I hope that they don’t take advantage of that (any more than they already have, with cyber-attacks and whatnot) and decide that now would be a great time to invade us. Because honestly, how would we react?


We could have been great. But we blew it.


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