Monday, March 16, 2020

Does Your Business Have a Disaster Plan?

March 16, 2020

It pains me to admit it, but I am not always adept with computers. For instance, this post was somehow deleted from the blog. I am reprinting it because of an epidemic (which I did not include in the list of possible disasters in the original post).

May 20, 2016

During severe weather a couple of weeks ago, it transpired that nobody at work knew where the tornado shelter was. They finally decided that the bathroom would be the best place to take cover. Good thing we didn’t need it, because it is NOT a roomy place. (Note to architects: Work on that. If you have a building with lots of offices, make sure there’s a big enough shelter to hold everybody.)

It’s amazing how many businesses don’t have disaster plans. I guess it’s because disasters never really happen. (Just ask folks in Joplin, Missouri how that attitude can work out.)

Tornadoes, fire, flood, runaway cars…. All kinds of things can happen. And nobody prepares. I worked at one place that had to sandbag against the rising river one year. And even though they were only 100 yards away from it, they still didn’t have a plan in place when the river began to rise a few years later. I never did figure out what they were waiting for.

So do yourself a favor: Figure out where you’re going to forward your calls to; how you’re going to fill customer orders from a different location; how to get your hands on the equipment you’ll need to keep production going; where the mail will go to (you don’t want to miss those payments that are coming in), etc.

And don’t forget to figure out a way to produce the paychecks.

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