Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Planning for Recovery—Staffing

March 25, 2020

Once you’ve secured the financing to re-open your business, you will have to consider your staffing options. Your old staff may be available, but depending on how long your lockdown lasts, you may need to hire new staff in order to re-open. Do you have access to online staffing resources? Can you do phone or video interviews?

How can you get new staff trained before your business re-opens?

There are websites that can demonstrate almost anything online—food-handling techniques, customer service, cash handling, etc.; but if you want people to come in ready to work at your place of business, consider Virtual Training. Maybe you can set up a demo model, if not at your actual place of business, then maybe in somebody’s living room. (Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.)

“Your job will be to check the figures on Report A against the figures on Report B. Then you will check invoices against the actual bill payments listed. This is how we do it in our office…”

“This is how the kitchen is set up; you get the vegetables from the fridge, here; move to the slicing station…"

“Here’s how you operate the cash register…”

It won’t be perfect, but at least you’ll have a head start.

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