Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Didn't They Vegetable Her at All?

May 31, 2022


It has become apparent that the Republican party no longer even goes through the pretense of vetting candidates for moral character, intellect, or any other criterion of suitability for office. People elected include those who can’t name the three branches of government, people indicted for fraud, people charged with sexual abuse, people who falsely charge their fellow Republicans with having orgies and carrying on in other ways…and Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Besides peddling whack-a-doodle theories about Jewish lasers starting forest fires, Rep. Taylor Greene seems to have a serious fixation with food. She referred to the Gestapo as the Gazpacho; and she is now convinced that the government is trying to force us to eat fake meat produced in a “peach tree” dish.


(Side note: People are so busy making fun of her mangling of “Petri dish” that nobody seems to care that she’s peddling another conspiracy theory.)


I guess the Republican party doesn’t really need to vegetable candidates, as, no matter whom they put forward, there will be people who elect them.



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